Ukrainian Canadians - Nestor & Linda Shydlowsky
Traditional Ukrainian Music
Today a growing number of Ukrainian Canadians are becoming aware of their msucial heritage, as writers, singers and musicians; some are exploring their musical "roots while otherse are creating new music influeneced by modern ideas and sounds.
The "Ukrainian Canadian's " , Nestor and Linda Shydlowsky present you with a pleaseant variety of Ukrainian songs, which can be appealing to both young and old.
The songs ranges form well known favorites to original contemporay music, which are all sung in ukrainian.
The songs ranges form well known favorites to original contemporay music, which are all sung in ukrainian.
This is the kind of music that is a part of our heritage and as long as there are singers like Nestor and Linda Shydlowsky around singers around.......this music will live on forever
A Talented group of musicians, headed by Nestor and Linda present you with a release that will bring countless hours of enjoyable entertainment to your home.