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01. Zabava Tonight
02. Sobies Polka
03. Point Lake Waltz
04. Ukrainian Waltz Medley
05. O'krainia (Fox Trot)
06. Tom Na Hori (Fox Trot)
07. Trembola Polka
08. Wolf's Polka
09. Country Schottische
10. Grandma's Schottische
11. Heel N' Toe Polka
12. Helena Polka
13. E-Shoomit Polka
14. Sunshine N' Flowers (Fox Trot)
15. Prairie Winter Blues (Fox Trot)
16. Chuban
17. Seven-Step
18. Traditional Butterfly
19. Wishing Well Waltz
20. Rocking Boat Waltz
21. Fiddle Polka
22. Thunder River Polka
Long gone are the days of the Old Fashion Socials, Dances and Midnite Frolics. Today it's very common to have smaller parties with a music man providing the music or friends bringing their own personal collection. Perhaps the most difficult factor is when you request a tune and no one can find the appropriate CD. Well the "Ukrainian Old Timers" have come to the rescue! This 14th volume is jam packed with "2" of this and "2" of that and sometimes "More" of this and "Less" of that. But it is toe-tappin down to earth Good Dance Music.