The Ukrainian Oldtimers Brand New Album "The Perogy Dance" is available now. Volume 24!
CD Lineup
1.Ukie Style Polka
2.Polandskie Polka
3.The Perogy Dance
4.Cheeky Monkey Polka
5.La- Dee-Da Waltz
6.Babka's Six White Horses
7.Forever Mine Polka
8.Melody Of Love
9.Christina's Waltz
11.Perohy & Kubbassaw Again
12.Hailey Ann's Polka
13.Babies Lullaby
14.Sparks Off The Anvil
16.Maroosha Polka
17.Hey Babka Reba
18.Bood Mo Hey
The Ukrainian Oldtimers is who they are. The same old crew composing and recording the music that you enjoy. To know them is to love them, let me tell you why. It's like my home made Borsch, put together the right ingredients and WOW look what you get. Good Stuff!
Here are the Ukrainian Oldtimers with an Extreme makeover in their music style. Don't fret, its still that good ole' fashion dirt kickin, keen slappin, dust rasin' Ukrainan Music. All they did is just add a little more spice, "Just Like I do with my home made Borsch".
The selections on this recording are, comical, traditional and down to earth Ukrainian music done up in no other style than the Ukrainian Oldtimers. The polka's, waltz's and songs will keep you entertained for countless hours. Oh may I not forget , have fun with the "Perogy Dance" it's the latest craze for both young n' old
Love Baba
The "Perogy Dance" is a special selection that we "The Ukrainian Oldtimers" have created. Everyone remember this "Line Dance" & the "Bird Dance" - well how about a dance for Ukrainians! "The Perogy Dance"
Now if you like to watch from the sidelines, well then you'll see for yourself its a barrel of laughs. The "Perogy Dance" is the latest craze that is sweeping the nation from coast to coast. Dance clubs are demanding it, Ukrainian groups want to learn it and all age groups love it!
We hope you enjoy it as much as we did in recording it for you.